If you spend any time reading the Gospels you will read about times Jesus stepped away form the busyness of ministry to set aside time to spend with His team. WHY? Because of we do not take the time to COME APART the truth is we will COME APART. Our church has been blessed with amazing and growing leaders, and recently three of us had the chance to escape to MYRTLE BEACH for a few days. One of the cool things all pastors should do is to build a team of people they not only would like to work with but a team of people they would would like to hang with. Thats the kind of team we are building at GRANITE UNITED, its the kind of team I look forward too LIVING OUT THE DREAM OF JESUS with, and its the kind of team I enjoy being around.
Cultivating a real team takes a serious investment and for every lead pastor the choice will always be to USE PEOPLE to do ministry or to do ministry WITH PEOPLE. The ministries that use people will always experience high turnover, the ministry that does ministry with people will experience longevity. My prayer for GRANITE UNITED is to continue investing in relationships that will be healthy and growing and to develop a network of CHURCHES, CAMPUSES, and TEAMS who not only want to work with each other, but seek to be with each other.
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