It's All About Eternity

This week two GSBCers stepped into eternity. The first man Bob 78 years old was a wonderful, faithful member of our church. The other a 36 year old man named Nick. Nick died in his sleep this week. It was just a couple of months ago that Nick walked into our church tattooed from head to toe (which by the way was very cool), and surrendered his life to Jesus as Savior. Although Nicks struggles were intense he had found Jesus and embraced Him as Savior. When Nick took his last breath on planet earth his very next breathe was in the presence of Jesus. That's WHY we do what we do, and Nick is the reason we will not bail on the DREAM of JESUS at GRANITE. We must never ever forget the WHY behind our ministry. We must remember that everyone steps into eternity, and we get the chance to help them spend it with God, by staying true to the mission of Jesus! And WHY do we stay true to the mission and God's calling in our lives?

1 Peter 4:10, “God has given gifts to each of you from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Manage them well so that God's generosity can flow through you.” NLT

You ask WHY do we stay true to the DREAM, the VISION? Because the GENEROSITY and LOVE of God FLOWS THROUGH US. Think about that, what a privilege, what a responsibility we have to show the world how AMAZING the Lord is. We don't "HAVE TO" we "GET TO" invest our lives in others so that when they step into eternity, they are READY! How cool is that! Thank you Jesus for using us to show NICK you GENEROSITY and LOVE, so that now NICK can be with you FOREVER.


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