
Showing posts from September, 2011


Jesus calls us to pour our lives into people, just like He did. Jesus did not come to pour His life into programs but in real living breathing people. Programs are not created in the image of God people are. As leaders we need to make an COMMITMENT to the people God brings to our church each and every week not to a program. PROGRAMS WILL COME AND GO, PEOPLE WE WANT TO REACH AND KEEP, IT’S ALL ABOUT PEOPLE! Programs are nothing more than vehicles to bring people to the place Jesus calls them, DISCIPLESHIP. Programs should be sharp, followed through with, updated, and changed at times. But they are always for and about people. Programs are run by people for people. So get to know the people who are connecting to your programs. I hope you wrestle with creating better programs that will PUSH THE VISION AND MOVE PEOPLE to become full court followers of Jesus. So this week, LEARN A NEW NAME, address someone by their name. PAY ATTENTION TO PEOPLE. Work on your programs during the week ...


Eccl. 11:4, “Farmers WHO WAIT for perfect weather never plant. If they watch every cloud, they NEVER HARVEST .” NLT I have been spending a ton of time MEDITATING on this verse. I don’t want to be the person who NEVER HARVESTS. I believe Jesus who gave me the best of Him, deserve the best of me. I know I fall woefully short at times, but I want to be the guy who isn’t afraid to GO BIG for GOD! As leaders if we are going to ADVANCE THE KINGDOM OF GOD then we must not sit around WAITING for perfect circumstances, waiting to find the time, thinking one day I’ll get to it. We cannot and must not HOLD BACK! LEADERS LEAD, that why it’s called LEADERSHIP. We are blessed at GRANITE to have a team of AMAZING LEADERS, but let me ask you to consider a few things. 1. Are you giving your BEST to Jesus in your MINISTRY, or are you holding back? If you are you’re going to miss the HARVEST. 2. Are you giving your BEST to Jesus with your OFFERINGS, or are you wa...