
Showing posts from June, 2014


There is nothing like having THE RIGHT TEAM MEMBERS by a leaders side!   A RIGHT TEAM MEMBER  brings PASSION to an already PASSIONATE PURSUIT OF A VISION , adds WOOD to an ALREADY BURNING FIRE , and LOVES THE MINISTRY not a ministry. At GRANITE we have a few GRANITISMS when it comes to THE RIGHT TEAM MEMBERS Every NEW PEAK requires a NEW TWEAK Who got us here may not be the RIGHT PERSON to get us there Leaders are not FOUND they are DEVELOPED At GRANITE as our church grows we must have growing leaders.  Leaders who are willing to take PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for their growth.  As an church/organization we have a responsibility to lead, feed, and develop our leaders but that does not take away from the personal responsibly for our leaders to through   INVESTIGATION and INTERROGATION . The RIGHT TEAM MEMBER has a commitment to helping the whole team grow. The RIGHT TEAM MEMBER focuses on where we are going not where we have been. ...


There are three things you can count on if you have W RONG PLAYERS ON YOUR TEAM !   WRONG PLAYERS ON YOUR TEAM WILL ALWAYS ... STUNT GROWTH STRAIN THE VISION FRUSTRATE AND PUSH AWAY THE RIGHT PLAYERS Mark it down and NO your church and my church are NOT THE EXCEPTIONS to this truth!  There are a number of ways to identify the right players for your team, here are a three suggestions... Look at WHO'S FOLLOWING WHO , who has a voice on your campus?  This does not always mean that the person is a leader but to some level they do have influence and you need to see if they have a leadership gift to accompany that influence. Look for people who are CHASING YOU AS A LEADER and THE VISION , people who seem to have B OUGHT INTO THE VISION , not people you need to SELL THE VISION TO . Make a SMALL ASKS that have the potential to lead to BIGGER ASKS .  Don't sell the farm after one interview.  What we do matters and there is no time to chase people who are ...


SHOW ME YOUR TEAM AND I WILL SHOW YOU YOUR FUTURE !  This is one of the things I have taught for 17 yeas as Pastor of GRANITE UNITED CHURCH !  I remember a person saying to me when about 2 years into RE-PLANTING GRANITE that I was OVER STAFFED ! Now let me explain the CUTURE OF GRANITE has been and continues to be to MAXIMIZE LAY LEADERS by EQUIPPING and EMPOWERING THEM .  I truly believe (and its BIBLICAL) that GOD really does give GIFTS TO PEOPLE in HIS CHURCH to see HIS CHURCH ACCOMPLISH HIS MISSION ! Back to the point!  When the person suggested I was OVER STAFFED  I informed them that I wasn't staffing GRANITE for where we were, but for WHERE WE WERE GOING . When you look at your team what does it tell you about YOUR FUTURE and where you're going as a ministry?  I'll post more on this in the next few days to come!