Through the years as GRANITE has GROWN NUMERICALLY it has been imperative that we as an organization work to stay in front of the growth so that we can S USTAIN OUR GROWTH and keep pace with what THE LORD IS DOING IN HIS CHURCH . What we've discovered through the years is whenever we allowed our church to HIT ATTENDANCE LIDS we usually experienced A DECLINE IN ATTENDANCE. Why THE SHIFT ? One of the things we have said for years at GRANITE has been WHAT GOT US HERE WONT GET US THERE . So up until recently we have been a LOCALLY DRIVEN STAFF and now we have SHIFTED to a CENTRALLY LED STAFF . Believing that THE SHIFT in our STRUCTURE will enable us BREAK BARRIERS , SUSTAIN GROWTH and REPRODUCE MORE CAMPUSES . Let me give one of the biggest advantages THE SHIFT in our leadership structure brings to the table. Instead of everything resting on the shoulders of our CAMPUS PASTORS we now have a CENTRAL LEADERSHIP TEAM to give FOCUS and...