Lets talk about a LEADERS HOLY UTILITY BELT, things that successful leaders must have quick access too and use often.  Now in case your thinking about BATMAN'S UTILITY BELT that consisted BATARANGS, GRAPPLE GUN, SMOKE PELLETS, LINE LAUNCHERS, and a REMOTE CLAW just to name some of the cool stuff BATMAN had at his disposal in his war against DARKNESS!

Now before your thinking we could use some of those same things in our ministries let me be clear MOST OF THESE won't help us in ministry (I did say most)!  But there are a few things that every CAMPUS PASTOR, SERVICE COORDINATOR, and MINISTRY LEADER must have when it comes to their HOLY UTILITY BELT!  I'll take the next couple of posts to share one at a time.  So here's the first one...


In case your not sure what this is it's the way we TRACK VOLUNTEERS and MINISTRY NEEDS.  Its also the tool we also use to know what areas we need to RECRUIT for in order to have HEALTHY ROTATIONS.  But it is so much more, its also the best way to...

PRAY FOR OUR VOLUNTEERS -  Honestly, most leaders DON'T REALLY pray for those who they lead.  Its not a lack of caring its really a lack of awareness!  Keeping your MATRIX on your UTILITY BELT, meaning close access and easy to get to, will help you REALLY PRAY for those you have the HONOR TO LEAD.

INTENTIONALLY EXPRESS GRATITUDE TO OUR TEAMS - If you're not keep your MATRIX close to you, reading it, praying though it, and keeping those who ministry under your lead IN FRONT OF YOU then you have about a ZERO CHANCE of showing REAL, CONSISTENT, GRATITUDE and HONOR for those who serve under you!  And here's the deal, people who are over asked and under appreciated WILL LEAVE YOUR MINISTRY!

You don't need BATMANS AWESOME UTILITY BELT, but you do need your HOLY UTILITY BELT and you need to keep it close and use it often!  We too are in a battle against darkness, only difference is OUR BATTLE IS REAL, and WHAT WE DO MATTERS!

  1. Where's your MATRIX
  2. How are you really USING IT for more than plugging in holes
  3. Are you really PRAYING for those you lead
  4. Whens the last time you took time to THANK and HONOR those who serve on your campus
  5. What do you need to TAKE OFF your utility belt to MAKE ROOM for this essential item


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