What an HONOR and PRIVILEGE it is for us to have a leadership role in GOD'S CHURCH, GRANITE UNITED!  Being a LEADER and INFLUENCER in THE CHURCH is the HIGHEST PRIVILEGE on planet earth!  Want some reasons why?
  • The church is the ONLY INSTITUTION that JESUS promised to BUILD and to BLESS
  • The church is the gathering of TRUE WORSHIPPERS
  • The church is the most precious assemble on earth since she has been purchased by the BLOOD OF CHRIST
  • The church is the PROTECTOR and PROCLAIMER of DIVINE TRUTH
  • The church is the launching pad of WORLD EVANGELIZING
  • The church is the environment where STRONG SPIRITUAL LEADERS are developed and matured
I love the LORD'S CHURCH and as SHEPHERDS we are blessed to be able to LEAD, FEED, NURTURE, COMFORT, CORRECT, and PROTECT, DA HOUSE!  As Shepard's we are not called to be slick celebrities, but humble servants, realizing that what we do, or don't do has ETERNAL CONSEQUENCES. 

My prayer for us as LEADERS AT GRANITE, is that we will be as COMMITTED TO CHRIST, HIS KIDS, THE CHURCH, as CHRIST was to US, OTHERS, and HIS BRIDE!


  1. What could be better to invest our time, resources, skill, gifts etc into?!?

    So pumped to be part of a church that is striving for excellence in Jesus' name!
    To be as committed as Christ is a lofty challenge. Heavy word.

    Thanks Pastor for keeping the bar high! Jesus deserves no less!


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