How do you spell HEALTH...

I have been in coversations with our CAMPUS DEVELOPER (Court) about how to maintain healthy teams.  We believe the result of healthy teams will be a growing church and growing minitry teams.  So I wanted to jot down some of my thoughts here...

So how do you spell HEALTH as a leader?  How does a leader stay HEALTHY?  How does a leader promote HEALTH?  How does a leader lead HEALTHY?  Let me show you how to spell HEALTH, its...


Leaders take note of this, and listen very very carefully.  You want to be in ministry for the long haul?  You want to develop teams that stay in ministry for the long haul?  You have to be encouraged in ministry?  You want your ministry to encourage others?  You better make sure you are creating INTENTIONAL, PURPOSEFUL opportunities for yor teams to be in COMMUNITY

Jesus lived in community with His team and we are commanded to be in community with our teams.  If all we are doing is showing up on church days to do our tasks with our teams, that is not community, thats how you spell D.I.S.A.S.T.E.R

GRANITE LEADERS call a time out and and make sure we are not USING people, but we are doing life with people.  That is of course, if you want to be in this for the long haul.  Don't become a statistic.  Remember the grass isn't greener on the other side.  You want green grass water the grass you've been given.

I love what God is doing at GRANITE, but as we grow we must fight to stay connected in community.  I love you leaders, dont get caught drifting off, thats where the enemy will pick you off.  You are too important to the DREAM OF JESUS!  Lets do this.  If you're not living in COMMUNITY, you can't reproduce it as a leader.  Take initiative, take a step.  Make improvements, not excuses. 


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