Ministry "CHOICES"

My Great Friend PERRY NOBLE asked (haha, no Perry has no idea that I exsist, lol) what are you doing right with your life thats going to matter 100 YEARS FROM NOW? When I heard him ask this I smiled because it reminds me of a "CHOICE" I have made in my life...


One of the things that has always concerned me when I look at most ministries is that many are one person away from EXTINCTION. I heard a leader say many years there is no SUCCESS without a SUCCESSOR. For me there is no GREATER MODEL of this than JESUS! Think about it, from the very beginning of His public ministry He began pouring Himself into OTHER LEADERS. WHY? Its simple really, because Jesus knew that in just a few short years He would leave planet earth but the MISSION OF GOD needed to live on. So by POURING HIMSELF into other leaders, those LEADERS continued the PURPOSES and MISSION of God after Jesus physically left earth.

I have been blessed to be able to see so many of my "TEENAGERS" from my past, "YOUTH WORKERS" from my past, and "MINISTRY TEAM" members through the years to this day blowing and going for the glory of God in many parts of the country and even around the world. Although at times I might wonder if my INVESTMENT actually is making a difference, but the PROOF is in the PUDDING. I am so glad that many years ago I FIGURED IT OUT that ministry is not about ME but it is about WE.

I believe with all my heart that 100 years from now, although my name may not be known (oh and by the way that doesn't matter to me because there is only one name that matters - JESUS) the investment I make in leaders will continue to have a KINGDOM IMPACT should the Lord prolong His return.

So I know the "CHOICE" I have made and when I look around I see the LEADERS I am intentionally investing in. How about you? Look around, do you see any LEADERS YOU ARE INVESTING IN? If not you should know this your MINISTRY, your INFLUENCE and MINISTRY is one person away from EXTINCTION? Why not follow the EXAMPLE JESUS LEFT YOU and INVEST IN LEADERS!


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