As a leader it is important to remember that the archenemy of FAITH is FEAR. Over and over again in the Gospels you see Jesus getting in the disciples faces asking them why they were so FEARFUL and where was their FAITH! I pray as leaders that we understand that God cannot and will not operate in and through us when we live in a state of FEAR. As a matter of fact the Bible says that FEAR PARALYZES II Samuel 4:1. I meet so many leaders who COULD OF, SHOULD OF, but DIDN'T and the common denominator was that they allowed FEAR to control and dictate how big they allowed God to be in their lives and ministries. As MINISTRY LEADERS our focus should always remain on the Lord and not on man. And if our focus and FAITH is on and in the Lord then we can do ministry in confidence because the Bible says,

Jeremiah 10:6, "Lord, there is no one like you! For you are great, and your name is full of power." NLT

The reason there are so many dead churches is because their leaders have been paralyzed by FEAR, and not energized by FAITH. Let's take some time to do a little inventory and ask ourselves, how much FAITH is actually required with the ministry I am currently doing? If not much FAITH is required in the steps you are currently taking, it may be that FEAR is bigger than you realize. My prayer is that all of us, beginning with myslef, will constantly operate in the realm of FAITH, so that we can all experience the power of God!


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