It Takes Faith

One of the things I have learned is that it takes FAITH for God to show up. Let me explain. I think far to often there is the temptation to be safe when it comes to ministry. Planning things that we can do, setting goals that we think can manage. Then it occurred to me that if we plan things that we can handle and set goals that we are safe, then why would God even need to show up in our lives or ministries? We all know that without faith it is impossible to please God, I just wonder sometimes if living on the edge of faith scares us more than we want to admit. After all isn't it God's church and His glory at stake? He is the God of Genesis 1:1, so let's dream some dreams this summer that without God showing up, won't happen. Want to take it to another level share those dreams with your church and those around you, now your getting close to the edge.


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