Action Speak...

We have all heard it, and i am sure and one point we have all said it, ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDR THAN WORDS. So let me begin the morning with this challenge to us as CURCH LEADERS. Beyond our preaching and teaching on Sundays what do our actions communicate about us and those who need Christ? I'm not trying to minimize what we do on Sundays, I am simply trying to elevate what we do as leaders throughout the week. So what do my actions say about ME and MY desire to reach the lost? Let's be honest, I'm not talking about our church follow up letter, or our token thank you phone call, but a real honest attempt to build a bridge with someone to help them find Christ. Maybe this week we could...
  1. Work on making a friend
  2. Invite a friend to lunch
  3. Join a local community team
These are just some things to think about. After all the ministry really is about PEOPLE isn't it? So what are your actions saying? What are MY actions saying?


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