Dare to Dream

WHERE DID ALL THE DREAMERS GO? I want to encourage church leaders in a world where everything seems to be moving at the speed of light to call for timeout from the craziness called ministry and take a few minutes to catch your breath and recapture the dream that was in your heart when you first launched into ministry. Stop for a moment and do as Bill Hybels suggests in his book Holy Discontent, "to reflect on the one thing in the world that wrecks you when you see it, when you hear it, and when you get close to it". Do you remember the dreams you dreamed, the excitement, the way your heart raced the closer Sunday drew, do you remember?

For many of us this is why we entered the ministry in the first place. We believed that the church held the answer and power to transform lives, that within the church people could find a community, a place to belong, remember? And yet so many churches find themselves in decline and way to many pastors are working to maintain their ministries as opposed to taking new ground for the Kingdom. What has happened?

What happened is that we allowed church business to over shadow the business of the church. Can we change it, you bet we can. It all starts by rekindling that dream. So what's your dream? I dare you to call a time out, I dare you to start dreaming again, I dare you to write it down, go ahead I DOUBLE DARE ya! Oh yea, don't forget to share your dream!


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